* Make sure to have your personal email
•Download and fill out all forms, Volunteer Application, Authrorization of Background Check and Code of Conduct, take the Reference for and have 3 people that have known you a minimum of 3 years to fill them out, preferably not family. You will turn all this into your Safe Environment Coordinator, Julia Luna.
• Go to this link Registration of Virtus Training
• Click on Begin the registration process
• Select your Diocese: Fort Worth, Texas
• Click on Select
• Create your username and password– read instructions on top.
• Click Continue
1. Enter all information, Click continue
2. Select the location where you will volunteer. (you can add up to 3 different places)
3. Click on all the function you have with in the Diocese. (ex. Parent, volunteer, employee, etc.)
4. Answer all 3 questions.
5. Answer Have you already attended a Protecting God’s Children Session? If you have not taken a live in person class you will select NO, and you will then be sent to the page with upcoming sessions to register .
6. Turn in all documents that are available to you at the bottom/side of this page.
7. Remember you are not available to volunteer until all steps have been completed and once we have a successful background check.